S.A.F.E. Alternatives (Self-Injurious Help)

Our philosophy involves the reliance on words, the context of relationships as the primary means for managing feelings, and gaining self-awareness and self-control. Self-injurers have often learned that feelings must be dealt with through physical actions of some kind. At S.A.F.E., we help patients learn to delay the urge to self-harm, reflect on what they are feeling
and choose an alternative mode of coping. We call this process “enlarging the window of opportunity” between the urge to self-injure and the actual act. This window of time “frees up” the self-injurer to try something different.

S.A.F.E. ALTERNATIVES® is a world-renowned treatment program that in it’s more than twenty years of operation has helped thousands of people successfully end self-injurious behavior. A treatment team of experts uses therapy, education, and support to empower clients to identify healthier ways to cope with emotional distress. The S.A.F.E. ALTERNATIVES® philosophy and model of treatment focus on shifting control to the client, empowering them to make healthy choices, including the choice to not self-injure. Quality of Life is a Choice.

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